Flowerhorn Fish are the ultimate “pet” fish due to their extremely interactive nature. They have been specifically bred to respond to the humans around them, and some will even lift their nuchal hump out of the water to be petted!
Flower horns are a hybrid fish that are based on one of the earliest man-made hybrid fish: the blood parrot. Since the first flower horns, often called luohans, flower horns have been hybridized with dozens of other cichlids. Their genetic history is unknown and varies greatly with each strain.
This complete guide will cover everything you need to know about keeping, caring for, and breeding Flowerhorn fish. You cannot complete your fish keeping career without one of these inquisitive fish!
Buy Flowerhorn fish from P&P Fish factory India and we will help you to pet this wonderful fish. You will fall in love with it in no time. Our Flower Horns are completely quarantined, and deworming treated.