Symphysodon, colloquially known as discus, is a genus of cichlids native to the Amazon river basin in South America. Due to their distinctive shape and bright colors, discus are popular as freshwater aquarium fish, and their aquaculture in several countries in Asia is a major industry. They are sometimes referred to as pompadour fish.

Discus are kept by fiskeepers in the home aquarium. They are considered difficult to keep,[24] and require regular large water changes,[25] a school of other discus, and slightly acidic water. Their striking appearance has earned them the nickname "King of the Aquarium".

In home aquariums, discus live for an average of 10 years, but can live up to 15 years, and can grow up to 8 inches. Fish that mix well with them include neon tetras, German blue rams, and other fish that hail from similar regions and water conditions as them. They do not do as well with larger or more aggressive fish, such as clown loaches. Like many fish in the home aquarium, they will eat almost anything that fits within their mouth,[27] something that needs to be taken into account when stocking the aquarium.