Commonly known as Green Arowana.

Its has green scales & a greyish green body with a dark striped grey/green tail.

It is the cheapest in price among the variety of Asian arowana due to unattractive colourisation exhibited when in adulthood (3-4 yrs of age).

Arowanas are freshwater bony fish of the family Osteoglossidae, also known as bonytongues (the latter name is now often reserved for Arapaimidae). In this family of fish, the head is bony and the elongated body is covered by large, heavy scales, with a mosaic pattern of canals.

Grade 1 red(Super red)

Commonly known as Grade 1 Red or Super Red.

The gill covers, fins & edges of the scales have unique red coloring & due to its different core colour of the scales (e.g Red, Gold, Purple, Blue & Green Based types), It can be further classified into Orange Red, Chili Red and Blood Red...etc.

However, this classification of Red can only be done when the Dragon Fish is in adulthood or through the harvesting brooder stocks by the breeders.

Grade 1 Red is highly priced and in great demand because of limited supply.

Cross Back Golden

Commonly known as Cross Back Golden or Malaysian Golden.

Its characteristics is similar to the Red-Tail Golden, except for its sparkling & brighter golden shine scales overlapping the dark greenish back causing the whole body to shine. It also exhibit a sparkling bright gold colourisation up to the sixth and highest scale level.

It can be further classified into Blue, Purple, Gold, Green and the Silver-Based types, implying the core colour of the scales.

Cross Back Golden is also highly priced and in great demand because of limited supply. Hence, it is more expensive than the Red Tail Golden. Sometimes it is even more expensive than the red variety.

Red -Tall Golden (RTO)

Commonly known as Red Tail Golden (RTG).

It can be further classified into common RTG and High Back/Premium RTG. The prior exhibit a gold colourisation up to the 4th while the latter has it gold colourisation rise to the 5th scale level and sometimes even on the 6th scale level when in adulthood

The whole gill cover is a glittering gold color and does not have any red color. The back portion is dark green, including the dorsal fin and upper half of its tail fin.

Both can be further classified into Blue, Purple, Gold, Green and the Silver-Based types, implying the core color of the scales..

Premium RTG usually commands a higher price than the common RTG.

1.5 Red (Yellow Tall)

Commonly known as Grade 1.5 Red or Grade 2 Red or Banjar Red, also known as yellow tail arowana.

Its has a very un-matching shines and green/yellow base colour of the scales.

when adult, it has only yellowish/greenish colour over the body

The 1.5 Red, together with Green, is popular among many hobbyists and beginners, thus is more affordable because of its low price.

Green Arowana

Commonly known as Green Arowana.

Its has green scales & a greyish green body with a dark striped grey/green tail.

It is the cheapest in price among the variety of Asian arowana due to unattractive colourisation exhibited when in adulthood (3-4 yrs of age).

Australia Arowana or Scleropages Jardini

Commonly known as the Australia Arowana or Scleropages Jardini

There are commonly 2 varieties of Australia Arowanas:, Green Pearl & Red Pearl.

It is quite similar to the Asian Arowana, except that the it have a more scales with green or red spots.

the Australia Pearl has 7 rows whereas Asian Arowana has 5 rows (horizontially) of scales or scales.

The Pearl Arowana have cresent-shape coloured scales and the tail are usually black colour with small gold spots. Its colour range from coppery-gold to gold colour.

It is also not a protected or endangered species.

Silver Arowana

Commonly known as the Silver Arowana or Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum.

It is totally silver in colour, Its scales and fins are silver.

It originated from South America and it has the long tappered tail.

Silver Arowana is the most common & one of the cheapest Arowana you can find easily in most Local Fish Shop (LFS).

It is also not a protected or endangered species.

Black Arowana or Osteoglossum Ferrerai

Commonly known as the Black Arowana or Osteoglossum Ferrerai

Black Arowana come from the South America and it is quite similar to the Silver Arowana having the same tappered tail.

Its scales and fins are black with whitish to yellow strips when young. But as it matures, it will slowly lose its colour and turn to greyish colour.

It is also not a protected or endangered species